Asbury Camp exists to proclaim God’s word with the power of the Holy Spirit. Its existence is solely to present Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
We call young people to a life of self-denial and commitment to a God who loves them. In a world focused on self-gratification and pleasure it is not an easy or flashy message. It is however life changing and Biblical.
Our quality program AND wide variety of events and activities ARE designed to call campers to a deeper level of relationship with Jesus Christ.
Asbury Camp is Located on the bank of the Missouri River at the southeast edge of Washburn, ND. As you approach the Washburn city limits from the South on US Hwy 83, a “Youth Camp” Sign will direct you to the camp.
There is no charge to any young person from 12 to 21 years of age who wishes to come to Asbury Camp. Adults may take part in the evening services.
Asbury Camp is an interdenominational camp directed by a board of directors. The board works hard to provide quality programs and facilities to those who wish to participate in the Asbury Camp program.
We do not carry any medical insurance on campers or staff. Parents, campers, staff, and guardians acknowledge that they are solely responsible for all medical and/or any other costs arising out of any bodily injury, illness or accident. Campers and staff are voluntarily participating in the activities of Asbury Camp.